Markus (insert middle name here) was born today at 17:08 weighing 7lb1oz.
Details, pictures to come!
At this time with Owen, he was two days old.
At this time with Trevor, he was sixteen days old.
When are you going to come out, little guy? I want to meet you already.
(I actually have a theory that he’s math-nerdily inclined, and will wait for another twelve days, making a two-week progression of due dates. Trevor = 3 weeks early, Owen = 1 week early, Markus* = 1 week late. Plus, if he’s one week late, then there’ll be 66 days between his and Owen’s birthday, just as there is between Owen’s and Trevor’s. Maybe it’s just me.. 🙂 )
*Working title, though it seems to have stuck.