Cycle for CHEO 2015

We are very excited for this year’s CHEO ride – the weather, of course, is going to be amazing!


Alas, our kids are at the age where logistics are not favourable for the longer rides. Trevor would have to stay on his own bike for the whole trip though he has only completed less than half the distance before. Owen and Markus would have to refrain from knocking each other and/or me off the bike for the two hours or more. Fortunately, nona is here to step in and the four of them are going to have great time at home while Chris and I participate in the event. We considered doing the longer 70k course, but decided to avoid the hassle of trying to find parking downtown. We are biking to the War Museum from home and then doing the 35k with family laden section of the Team Awesome. We should be covering just under 80K. Exciting!!!

Of course, I am fundraising. I feel awkward just asking people for money, so I like to put together some thank you gifts. I was a bit of a lazy reader so I only have two books to give away for donations of $20 or more. “Thousand Years of Solitude” and “My Uncle Napoleon” are both very enjoyable reads. For those of you with sweet tooth, $20 or more can also get you a plate of delicious cake of your choice, just make sure to e-mail me with your preference.

Follow here to donate!


Please, don’t be shy, you know we love to bake cakes around here!

Film: The one I love

We managed to get through the winter with only the van.


Here are some thoughts about it:

I was surprised at how well the 93 bus worked for me. The bus service in Ottawa, and particularly Kanata, is a bit of a joke. However, 93 is hip and happening every 10 minutes or less in rush hour.

After about 15 years of mostly car commuting, there were some things to readjust. Dressing in layers is a thing again! I own warm clothes now. I didn’t get to it this year, but I am going to get contact lenses. I suppose this was not a big deal in my teenage years, but now that I am older, I like to wrap my whole face with the scarf which leaves my glasses completely fogged up.

Amazingly enough the kids did not complain about the cold on our walks to the bus/daycare.


We did bike in January and February, but only minimally. By March the March Road bike lanes were cleared and I got back into biking to work on regular basis. Chris started his multi-modal commute a few weeks earlier than me.

Taking care of the winter bike is a pain. Last thing I want to do at -30C is hang out in the garage with a bucket of water going through the motions of cleaning the bike so I did not do it. By the time March rolled around, I brought the bike into the hallway and washed it there. I must say I am jealous of Chris’ bike…


Book: Frostbike


Frostbike is a fun new book about winter cycling from Tom Babin, a Calgary journalist. He talks about his own experiences winter riding in Calgary and then visits and interviews the usual winter cycling suspects in North America and North Europe. There is no new or shocking information in the book, but it is quite well written and free of that single mindedness and arrogance that sometimes accompanies bike advocacy. In short, it is an enjoyable read for the “been there, done that” crowd and a recommended introduction for those who would like to know more on the subject.

We sold the Accord this past August. I had never quite warmed up to that car. It was so large I felt I was riding a boat, it had almost the same mileage as the minivan, it handled terribly in the snow even days after the last snowfall, the combination of the moonroof and the cabin size resulted in a loud flapping noise making it pretty much impossible to enjoy opening the moonroof unless I was parked. The final insult to injury was that it had cost twice as much as my lovely old Protege which had none of those problems. It was not so much that I wanted to not have the second car, it was more that I did not want that particular car.

We had toyed with the idea of sharing a single car for a while, but we were never at a point where not having the second car would not be really inconvenient. This year, a lot of the things lined up and we finally felt we can give car-lite lifestyle a go. I have finished grad school and all of our current weekly activities are close to home. I have a cargo bike that allows me to go to work, carry children and pick up groceries. Chris bought a foldie bike and winterized his old hybrid for multimodal commute on the days I need the van during the day. To avoid paying the babysitter too often, we usually schedule our individual outings on different nights anyway. Finally, since we first moved here almost fifteen years ago, Kanata has grown and we have grown into Beaverbrook. Bus service has improved, there is an increasing number of shops and businesses available to us and many of our friends now live within walking distance.

In last four months, absolutely no instance came up in which I regretted not having the second car. The next four winter months are going to be more interesting. We have worked out alternatives and contingencies and, if all that does not work, we always have an option of buying another car (one that is both economical in price and fuel efficiency with good winter handling and functional moon roof hopefully!). I think we can make it with just the minivan. I am looking forward to the winter, not only because of all the exciting winter fun ahead, but I am curious to see how we meet this new challenge.

Metric Century – check!

Now that my two weeks of solitude are coming to a close I have to admit that the two things I was expecting to happen did not happen. I did not expect to have no free time and I did not expect to not be lonely. Most of my time was taken up by work on the shed and at the office and I was so very pleasantly surprised to have so many people come over to visit me or invite me over. I don’t think I had a single “not doing anything” day. It was amazing!

This weekend I also got a couple of great second hand deals:


I love elephants and I love ottomans. Can you go wrong with this guy???


A neighbour e-mail me to tell me she is getting rid of two boys bikes. I love my neighbours!

Finally, the best part of the weekend – I completed my first metric century!!!


I have been training for this for over two years and I am so excited we did it. I am so glad Luisa was able to join me – it was so much more fun doing it with a friend.


Film: Lucy


Last weekend we took off to Prince Edward County (completely different from that murderous Prince Edward Island). Since there are only so many weekends we have together in reduced numbers and there are so many things we wanted to do we arranged to get camping, biking and wining and dining done at the same time.


Amazingly enough we were successful on all fronts.


I expected to be busy since I got back from Cres, but I had no idea just how busy I would be! I did not even get started with that long list of projects I have to get done this summer.

Film – Budapest Grand Hotel

I didn’t want to blog (brag?) about it before I was sure I could do it, but now that April is over, I can reminisce with impunity. We all know about May being Bike to Work Month, but have you heard about 30 days of Cycling? This April I’ve challenged myself to commute by bike at least once every day.

It was not always smooth sailing (and with the April winds it was sailing more often than not), but it was always good fun and I am pleased as punch for doing it.

Early April was snowy.

Just as I thought the snow was over, it got snowy again.

Antarctica performed well over winter, but as I almost overloaded it with a rather minor grocery haul, I knew it was time to bring out the cargo bike.

As soon as it was warm enough, the boys got on the bikes too though Markus had been riding short trips with me throughout the winter.

Our first trip was to the barber.

My neighbour Julie snapped this action shot on Easter Sunday as were on our way to Sarah’s to bake an orehnjaca. I brought everything from flower, eggs and walnuts to cutting board and hand mixer with me in case Sarah was running low or using hers for her Easter dinner. It turned out most of it was unnecessary but as there is so much space on the bike it was no big deal to bring it.


I did bake an orehnjaca and everyone seemed well pleased with it. I was pleased that none of my neighbours had ever had original orehnjaca before so they could not see the obvious imperfections. We ate everything but the first roll as it came out of the oven. The first one had fallen apart while I was making it so I hid it away in my fridge for a few days. After a few days I decided that it tasted too good not to take a picture of the last few slices.


Alas, I did not cycle the full 30 days. Between the pouring rain and a nasty stomach bug causing havoc in our household I had to miss biking on Earth Day. Sorry Earth, but “not every day, not all the way” is still my motto when it comes to active commuting around here.

I biked just over 200km in April. If it was not for the last August, this would have been my monthly commuting record.

I’ve found that the wind is my biggest enemy and was surprised that there was at least one instance where I had to get off the bike and walk because of the strong wind. Fortunately, on the days that the wind is strong and I have to pretty much crawl back home, I can still make it in time to pick up the older boys from the bus and then pick up Markus afterwards.

One day I was held up in a last minute meeting and did not leave work on time. I was hoping to stop the school bus before it left school because I was not sure I can make it home on time to get the kids off the bus. I managed to see the bus drive by but it I was a few moments too late to stop it safely. I was therefore compelled to get to our street before it did. The bus eventually passed me about 400 meters before the finale at which point the bus driver recognized me and the full complement of neighborhood boys including mine lined up on the bus window to cheer me on as I raced to the stop. Moral of the story – always leave on time!

Now that it is May aka “Bike to Work Month” why not check out this article?

P.S. “Budapest Grand Hotel” is a very enjoyable film.