Meah and Yeah

I was really looking forward to Dan and Maria’s party tonight even if we were just going for a couple of hours. However, Trevor has been borderline cranky today and only had two very short naps so we were relieved that he fell asleep at 7:30. But that means no party for me. Duh!

We have some champagne in the fridge and we’ll just have to snuggle up and enjoy our first New Year as parents being responsible parents.

Happy New Year to all!

Happy Trevor

Breastfeeding Challenge

This is a bit of old news by now, but I wanted to blog about it. Also, I promised Marina to give her more details so I’m killing two birds with one stone.

Several weekends ago Trev and I joined our Mom & Baby friends at the Ottawa Breastfeeding Challenge. This is a yearly event that is intended to make breastfeeding in public more socially acceptable and educate public on the benefits. Every year moms and babies arrive at malls across North America and start breastfeeding exactly at 11AM. Once you have a latch you raise your hand and nurses count the babies currently feeding. It is a bit of competition between cities and Ottawa came in fourth after Montreal, Quebec City and some place in Quebec I’ve never heard of.

There was an article in Ottawa Sun, and apparently I was in the picture, but they didn’t put the picture on the web and after a few days they removed the article as well so I can’t link it.

Overall it was fun. There were just under 200 babies feeding at the same time. Here’s a link to the final results. Quebec and Ontario did great, but where did the rest of the continent go?

A realization

A year of Trevor’s daycare is going to cost more than my entire engineering degree. Good thing I have an engineering degree.

Hi-ho, hi-ho off to work we go!

This was my first week back to school (day) and work. My first full school day was fun. I had a chat with my advisor and I learned about the Visitor pattern. I feel like I am getting my money’s worth of education after two years of nothing much. Even if this doesn’t make much of a difference in my career, I am really glad to have made the decision to continue my education. I just have to make sure I put aside enough time to do a good job.

Work was strange. Apart from the fact that the factory has moved to Toronto and our lab from 6th to 3rd floor, it felt that I have only been gone for a particularly long weekend and returned with a bad hangover. I generally just took up from where I left off. The hardest part was remembering where everything was. Fortunately for me, I expect to forget most details so I take good notes. It was somewhat nice to be back without huge changes to deal with.

Chris seems to be doing really well with Trev. I have come home for lunch and Trev was not interested in food while I was away so I still did all the feedings. I don’t know what they did today but Trev fell asleep at 6:30.

Film – Ratatouille and Chuck and Larry

I am going back to work next week. Tomorrow is my last day alone with the boy. I am very anxious. Chris is doing great with the boy, but he is still eating only milk, so I hope he won’t mind me being away for a large part of the day. I will be home for lunch, but that’s it until the afternoon.

I am looking forward to having larger chunks of time to work on Thesis. I had trouble just piecing an hour here, an hour there. I hope the work goes well. I have an exciting project lined up with I get back. I am so tired now and it is not even 10PM. Yawn and good night!