Starting to feel it

We did so many things this week, I ended up sleeping for about 10 or 11 hours yesterday and today. I had to miss my Thursday yoga class because I was too tired to drive downtown. I feel refreshed now, which is good because the next week is going to be just as busy.

The baby still has not turned around. I can feel his head to the right of my belly button, he moves around a lot, but on the average he returns to the same position he’s been in for the whole week. We’re rooting for him to turn. If he doesn’t turn by the 6th the doctors will try and turn him. Given his usual lack of interest in cooperating with the medical profession, I am not looking forward to this.

I’ve started sorting through baby clothes. They’re cute. We haven’t put the hospital bag together yet, but I think we’re readyish otherwise.

33 weeks and a bit down

33 weeks

Apart from fatigue and inability to sleep for more than 4 hours at a time I am doing quite well.

We’re really gearing up for the baby. We’ve been taking pre-natal classes offered by the hospital, I’ve washed most of the little clothies, I’ve gone for pre-natal massage, we’ve had another ultrasound, etc…

Pre-natal classes are pretty cool, we’re learning about what to expect at the hospital and getting mentally prepared for it. The delivery room sounds like a five star hotel. There is Jacuzzi and music and exercise balls… We’ve been practicing breathing techniques, but they are small potatoes compared to the breathing we do in yoga.

Thanks to our friends and family we have slowly been building up the infrastructure for the baby. I have about 10 cubic meters of clothies (2 years worth) to sort through. We just got a basinet today and the nursery is going in in two weeks. We’ve got newbie diapers and still have to get a nursing/hospital gown for me. We’ve looked at a couple today but they seemed too complicated.

The little munchkin still looks more like Chris than me, but seems to have more of my personality. He has not turned around yet and he was not interested in cooperating with the technician, but he was active and doing his breathing exercises.


Some days I feel really exhausted. Thursdays are the worst. I think the baby goes through little growth spurts and it drains me completely. I feel a little bit better after my yoga class, but I’m still pretty useless.

We don’t have name for him yet. This week we’re going with Trevor. I like it, but it seems very serious. He is moving around a lot, making little bumps and it feels like he is gaining in size and weight. Apparently at this age, babies sleep for 20 to 30 minutes at the time. That feels about right because it seems like he is awake quite often.

I am having trouble sleeping through the night. I usually wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning. Stay awake for about half an hour and go back to sleep. I wonder if it’s my body getting me used to taking care of the baby at night.

Film – Marie Antoinette

Chris was really bored with this film. Fortunately the baby was awake so he kept himself entertained by feeling him move. I can’t say that I was not entertained, but I’ve seen better films.

We are getting more and more excited about the baby which is silly because we still have 3 months to go. We have been thinking about the things we need to get done around the house in preparation for the baby, but we have not made any definitive plans. It feels like it is going to be a while…