Film – It’s Complicated

I am getting back into Mom at Home mode. I have gone to a drop-in at the Early Years Center and Playgroup and Stars and Strollers this week. I missed the Story Time at the mall, but that was because I had a doctor’s appointment. I had a Belly Dancing class too, but I don’t know if that counts since this was a kids free event.

I am doing well, but that is because I had help around the house since Owen was born. I do have a mommy brain. I can’t really think of anything other than my kids. Oh right, I did go and check out the store that sells cross-country skiing equipment, but I am not at the point yet where I got anything I am currently missing, so I don’t know if that counts.

Oh the fun we will have!


This is the point where I usually talk about favorite moves of the past year, but I really haven’t seen too many movies, definitely not enough to make a list. The past year has been strange and though I managed to do some fun things, most of the time I was really tired, partially from work and school, partially from being pregnant.

I don’t really know what to expect for the next year and I do not want to make any resolutions. I will spend most of the time taking care of Owen and Trevor. Trevor loves being outside, and I want to encourage him so I will try and get him to be outside as much as possible. However, I will also have Owen with me, so this might prove to be difficult from time to time.

I want to work on getting back into shape. I did pretty well during the pregnancy, but I still have far to go. The challenge with this is that I do not want to overdo it and end up in physio like I did last time. I am hoping to do a lot of biking, which will be challenging because Owen will still be too young to take on the bike. I also want to do some cross country skiing, but how I am going to manage that, I have no clue. I probably won’t.

I need to finish my thesis. I have been making very slow progress over last six months.

What I will probably be able to do is spend time with my boys. I just have to make sure I am rested enough to be able to enjoy myself.

A big sigh


I am so overwhelmed. I have been planning to write about birth, but was hoping to avoid alluding to anything gross which pretty much rules out anything remotely interesting about giving birth. In any case, the birth went well. It was actually pretty funny which was fitting as it started during a comedic play.

The “active labor” started around 3:30 AM and lasted just under 5 hours. We were being really geeky and kept the eye on the contractions monitor to see how strong the contractions were. As if I didn’t know. I was pretty prepared for it between the Yoga I did during my first pregnancy and the Spinning I have been doing this Fall, I knew that I can physically do anything for two minutes at the time and that attitude helped.

The doctor who did the delivery was the same doctor that delivered Trevor which we were really glad for. This time he had a resident side-kick. He reminded me of my sister’s med school friends, the goofy ones anyway. The delivery doctor was quizzing the resident throughout the delivery along the lines of “what could go wrong at this point?” and “what would you do if it did?” which I could imagine would be somewhat disconcerting to some patients but I found it really interesting and funny.

Owen was very considerate and obliging and he got himself in the perfect position to be pushed out. He cried a little bit, but was very dignified otherwise. What I find really interesting is that his head looked about the same size as the rest of him. He is just about to get back to the weight he was at when he was born, but his body looks about three times bigger than at birth. Not that I have any measurements or anything, but this is how it seemed like.

It was really nice to hug him pretty much as soon as he was born. Trevor was placed on my chest when he was born as well, but I was drugged and could not move too much. I don’t remember if I could move my hands. This time I managed to avoid epidural or any other pain killers so I could hug my new baby as much as I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, I was glad when they gave me the medicine baggy after everything was over.

Now that I am a bit more sensible as a parent, I actually managed to get some sleep, Owen, again, being very obliging. This time around I have had and will have one or other grandparent around until February. This makes so much difference. Being home alone the whole day the week Chris went back to work when Trevor was born was really hard. Then again, I can’t tell the future, we might still be on the honeymoon… Come back next week for the “Honeymoon is over” post.

At home

Yesterday was my last day of work. I managed to finish up my projects and leave everything as tidy as it could possibly be. I feel like such an Useful Engine.

So today is my first day at home. I made myself a to-do list but have not really accomplished much from it. It is just nice to be at home and enjoy some quiet time. My excuse is that I don’t have much of it left.

I have to decide whether to set up a separate blog for Owen or just hack him into Trevor’s blog. I am leaning more on putting him in Trevor’s blog because I suspect I will be writing about both of them at the same time. I guess I could always cross-post, but then people who follow the blogs through the Reader would get the same post twice or something.

I have been feeling pretty good considering how far along in the pregnancy I am. The lack of stress at work because I managed to close up all of my projects and ability to get enough sleep to get me through the day made everything so much better over the last few weeks. I am still tired and am eating like there is no tomorrow, but I think this goes with the territory.

Bundling up

We’ve had the first snow last week so it is definitely late fall. I am getting ready for the Season. I just finished the bulk of my Christmas shopping. I still have a little bit of sewing and a lot of knitting to do. I don’t really have to do any of it, but I find that knitting is very relaxing lately. It is much more convenient than reading when Trev is around. I can talk to him and play with him while knitting and when he is not around I am too tired to do anything else.

My pregnancy is going well so far. I am now in my 35th week. Five weeks away from the due date and two weeks away from the point where Trevor was born. I am feeling good, though, like pretty much all through this year, very tired. I still have three weeks of work left and it still looks like I will be able to wrap up my projects. I have a lot of things to get done at home, and unless Owen comes early, I just might be able to get those done as well. I am expecting Owen to be the polar opposite of Trevor, I don’t know why. Perhaps because he is sitting in the textbook position whereas Trevor was breach. Then again, before Trev was born I thought I was going to be the strict parent and Chris the softie, when it is actually the other way around.