But is it art?

Costume drama

I don’t really talk about it much with people who don’t share this particular interest but I really like costume drama. While I avoid Merchant-Ivory like the plague, I will happily watch most period pieces I have the opportunity to see.

I got a bit stumped the other day when Charissa asked me what I think of Downton Abbey. My immediate reaction was to say that it is bad. I then qualified that response by admitting that I like it. This schism exists amongst my period piece following friends though few are fence sitters like me. Some think it is absolute rubbish and wonder at the nerve ITV/PBS have in producing it and others think it is the best thing on TV right now.

I have been trying to come up with a way to explain my feelings about this show, and even “worse” shows like Larkrise to Candelford which I fatefully follow. Downton Abbey has high production values. The costumes and settings are gorgeous. Acting is first rate, after all, I have never seen actors like Maggie Smith or Brendan Coyle be anything other than dazzling. The writing is good quality but not great and it is here that my criticism stems from.

In my mind, a period piece television drama is not in competition with other like dramas but with all other period pieces on television within last ten years (decade is a random delineation on my part but whatever, bear with me). This means that it competes with other shows that have the same production values but are based on classic literature. The writing of Downton Abbey can’t compete with, say, Daniel Deronda (I am just thinking of whatever show I saw last). Then there are costume dramas that are not based on classics but are nevertheless based on writing that was successful in novel form prior to being filmed such as the Hornblower or the Sharpe series. Then there are films such as The Cock and Bull Story, The Libertine and The Last Mistress which are really fantastic (in my opinion anyway).

For me, Downton Abbey is something that is enjoyable to watch if you have already seen all the great stuff and still want more or just want to see a fun and easy show to relax to. I would not recommend it to someone who does not regularly watch period pieces regardless of whether I never miss an episode or not.