Bal – Balthazar – Bal – Balthazar…

I am very sceptical of references to the past as ‘simpler times’. The only thing simpler about the past was our understanding since we were children.
In these days when we download our favourite shows from the Internet and watch them whenever we feel like it (without commercials), it is somewhat sweet to remember the 7:15 cartoon.


Drowned in a sea of commercials and preceding 7:30 news, the 7:15 cartoon was a social construct that allowed parents to calm their tots, then stuff them to bed and run off with excuse of having to watch the news.

To children the cartoon was a rightly earned reward at the end of the day. I remember patiently waiting through the commercials for the little bit of happiness. 7:15 cartoon was my equivalent of what my Canadian grown friends refer to as Saturday morning cartoons.

Apparently, in today’s modern age, 7:15 cartoon has been cancelled. I don’t know about the Saturday morning cartoons, but I hear they are facing a similar fate. There is a petition on to save the 7:15 cartoon. Hopefully for the tradition buffs it works out. I am still waiting for Stockwell Day to change his name to Doris.