Happy Craftsmas

Last week I succumbed to the flu. I ended up staying home for three days without being able to do much. I was lucky we had enough food in the freezer to get through the week. If there was a silver lining it was that I had a perfect opportunity to finish up some crafting projects.


I finished this hat last year, but it took me unit this winter to figure out what to do about it. Because it is patterned, it had to make it a bit longer than useful. Also, because it is fingering weight wool it is pretty light so I wanted to line it. I had some fabrics in hand but they did not match. Eventually I paired it up with merino training hats I got to wear under helmets. Now that the decision has been made, all I had to do was block the hat and check it off as done in Ravelry. Ding!


Another thing that I have been wanting to do for a while is quilt. Trev decided that he wanted a turtle outfit and I got a perfect opportunity. I dropped the precision and neatness because I had to finish the project before Trev moved on and, really, whoever saw a meticulous turtle?


Finally, I finished the green sweater I have been making since this summer. It is not jet checked as finished in Ravelry. I am still debating adding pockets and I have to buy some buttons or a clip. Once that is done I will block it. I am not in any particular hurry to do this and I will wear it a bit to see if any ideas pop into my head.

And now I think I will take a short break from crafts. Chris got me the Canada Reads 2013 book set as well as a subscription for Bicycle Quarterly so I will be busy reading for a little while.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

One Reply to “Happy Craftsmas”

  1. That turtle shell is awesome! I think making a skirt like that (I love the corduroy) would be amazing!! 🙂

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