Our long anticipated ten day trip to Prince Edward Island turned out to be only a day long due to some negligent and/or unscrupulous business that rents out cottages full of mould. We tried in vain to find other lodging but it was not to be at the height of the season that only lasts a month or so. I am in the process of putting in a formal complaint and hopefully we will get some positive results.
While most of our time was spent travelling and dealing with the above mentioned nonsense, we did manage to check off some of the PEI must-dos.
The bridge was truly impressive.
At the beach there was a little brook draining into the sea and Trevor made a dam on it. We came back in intervals of several hours and he was amazed at how the tide slowly swallowed up every dam he made. Yes, if you are going to make a dam a stick with beaver teeth marks is the way to go. Trev found it among the flotsam.
Owen loved the large seashells and refused to throw anything smaller into the Northumberland Straight.
We saw some cool boats like the fully enclosed life-raft and this fascinating fisheries research vessel.
Lobsters were the #1 conversation topic. Owen was even warned to stop telling people he is a lobster lest he ends up in a boiling pot.
We sneaked in a bike ride. We did not make it as far as the Confederation Trail, but we did ride down a red dirt road.
As long as the dirt was dry the cargo bike handled well but Chris discovered that slicks were not the best choice.
Realizing that we only had a couple of hours left on the island, we made a bee line (as in we zigged and zagged the island trying to figure out where it is) for the Shipbuilding museum and the Yeo House, one of the few sights Chris remembers from his last visit.
Alas, some of the outdoor artifacts have decomposed leaving us with merely a few geometrically arranged logs. Trev was pretty angry about this.
Turns out that none of our kids are afraid of heights as they clamoured to climb into the cupola of the Yeo House.
We could not leave PEI without a Lobster Supper. I was a bit confused as to how to carve the beast until I realized it is just like a big scampi.
There are things that we would have liked to have done like visiting a lighthouse or taking a boat ride but it was not to be. While the cottage situation was a big annoyance it was nice to spend some extra time with the boys. They handled the long drive better than I thought they would and were nice to each other at least as often as they argued. We’ve had so many nice vacations over the years, statistically it was time for a dud. I suppose this will go right up there with the time we run out of gas in the Pyrenees or attempted to pass though Italy on the train.
Hi there,
My name is Jane and I’m with Dwellable and we were founded based on a vacation rental experience just like yours. Sorry to hear about the bad rental š
I was looking for blogs about Prince Edward Island to share on our site and I came across your post…If you’re open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Your story should be heard!