First week

Even though he is only 6 days old, Trevor has matured so much since I first saw him. His movements are much less erratic and his eyelashes are twice the size. He is only about 60 grams lower than his birth weight (he used to be over 200g under) and I hope he will catch it up soon.

There are some tidbits from this week that are so sweet that I am afraid to forget as he grows older. For example even though he misses the nipple more often then not (sometimes by as far as he could possibly move given his small size), his ferocious bite once he gets it right is extra cute. I love the way he smacks his milky lips when he is done feeding and the way he purses his lips and makes them even smaller when he doesn’t want any more food.

Proud mommy with her Berry Pie - thanks to Charissa for knitting the hat!
Proud mommy with her Berry Pie – thanks to Charissa for knitting the hat!

Daddy pondering which classic piece of literature to read to Trevor first
Daddy pondering which classic piece of literature to read to Trevor first