Baby Blues

I am overwhelmed with all kinds of real and imaginary worries. Trevor is a ferocious little feeder during the day. However, last two nights he for the most part refused to eat. He would have a little bit of milk and then purse his little lips and have no more. If I tried for another half an hour I might have been able to get him to feed a tiny bit more. This would make a feeding session last longer than two hours and leave me exhausted, worried and frustrated. What am I doing wrong? What if Trevor does not get enough food?

Even if I managed to get to sleep, I was so worried about anything happening to Trevor. I kept waking up thinking that I had fallen asleep with him in my arms (which makes no sense since I make a point never to bring him to our bed if I am sleepy and not sitting up). I would move a pillow or touch the back of Chris’ head (which in the moonlight looked to me like Trevor’s face) and only then realise that Trevor is sound asleep in his basinet. The highlight came when I woke up convinced that Trevor was on my chest and that I must have fallen asleep while feeding him. I woke Chris up and told him to burp the baby and got mad at him when he would not do it. It took me a second to realise that I was holding the comforter and not the baby. It was still funny the second time I did the same thing.

Being so out of my wits, I decided to go to the breastfeeding clinic offered at the hospital. It turned out to be a great idea – the nurse assuaged all my worries. In fact, Trevor has regained all the lost weight in very good time. He even has a little double chin now and will soon outgrow his tiniest clothes. A lot of people complain about health care in Canada, but I found the level of service and support at QCH’s Birth Centre to be well beyond my high expectations.