Film – Young Victoria

Today might not be the first day of spring, but it felt like it was. Owen and I went for a nice walk. He is getting very heavy, this was probably the last time I will carry him in the sling for a longer period of time.

I just realised the next week is the Canada Reads panel on CBC. I managed to get through two of the books and am half way through the third one. I really hoped to have read all the books but I just was not in the mood lately. I finished “Good to a Fault” and “Jade Peony”. Both were pretty good. I am now reading “Nikolski” which is promising as well. I don’t think I will get to the other two, but I will try. Last year I was hoping to save the podcast for until I am done with the novels, but with radio and internet, I ended up seeing/hearing who won before I was ready.