Film – Get Low

If it seems like I’ve fallen off the edge of the Earth with respect to the blogs, I have. Since we got back from vacation, things have been super busy. I am now going to the lab full time and working on my thesis. So far I am still on schedule, but there is a lot of work and I do have a tight deadline as I have to be done before I go back to work OR ELSE.

I have stupid amount of housework to do as well. You see, I have been sweeping anything that did not require immediate attention under the rug since 2002 when I started with graduate studies. My motto was “If I have the time to do this stupid housework, I should take it and do homework instead”. Well, it is eight years later… So now I have a new motto, “Homework gets done in school, housework gets done at home”. I moved my laptop to the lab where it stays until the thesis is completed. I am not bringing it home, not even for the weekend. I am in school eight hours a day four days a week and I work. On the fifth day, I stay home and do housework. Let’s see how this goes.

Speaking of eight years later, our anniversary is next week. I think we just might go on a date. How sweet that will be!