London walks – Kenwood House

We had planned to meet up with couple of people while in London, but because our visit coincided with some wedding or something people either escaped the general area for their sanity or were not able to book rooms in London. Fortunately, we managed to meet up with one of our friends, Spencer, before he made his escape to the north. I am very glad we did because he took us on an absolutely wonderful walk. Kenwood House in Hampstead Heath is a place we never would have gone if we did not get the local inside scoop. The grounds of the house were gorgeous (though, I suppose English gentry would not go around making themselves a house on ugly grounds, would they?) and filled with locals enjoying the record spring warmth. There were lakes (separate ones for men and women) and people were actually swimming in them. The house is likewise grand, but what surprised me the most was the painting collection. I expected the usual gamut of ancestors and landscapes, which the house indeed had. However, these were not just any portraits and landscapes. The first surprise was Vermeer. Then there was the famous Rembrandt self portrait as well as a good number of other interesting paintings. I would definitely recommend this place if you are looking for a pleasant walk in London.