Due to expressed interest I will be organizing yet another fun filled bike day. Here are the approximate plans:
Date: Saturday, October 2nd with rain date either Sunday October 3rd or next Saturday October 9th.
Location: Gatineau Park
Precise Meeting Place: TBD
Route: There is a two hour route that Chris and I biked few weeks ago that is pretty fun, but we’re still looking into it. Something a bit longer might make more sense, especially if people are coming in from Montreal. There is a map on Gatineau Park site but it is pretty puny. Chris and I will try and get a better map for the actual trip.
Time: 10:00 AM
If you are coming from Ottawa and need a ride, Chris and I can pick you up. If you’re coming from Montreal let me know (or post) and I will try and see if anyone else has a space. We can grab some lunch after the trip, or if it is a longer trip bring some snacks and then go out for supper later.
Let me know if you’re interested and if you have any preferences (trail length, difficulty level, meeting time, lunch options…)