Ready for Halloween???

They had these really cool monkey suits at Trev’s daycare. Trev liked them so much he asked us to buy him one. We said, “Ok, if you earn twenty stickers we’ll go to the store and get you a monkey suit”. Trev diligently earned his twenty stickers so I asked the teacher at the daycare where they order their costumes from. Turns out that one of the teachers picked it up at the Goodwill. Oh.

Mental note: do not promise your kid you will get them a costume unless it is a month leading up to Halloween and you are physically in front of the said costume. We turned to the Internet because you can find anything on the Internet. You can find monkey suits on the Internet but they are too expensive. Or really, they are not expensive but when you add the shipping cost they become too expensive. Additionally, the costumes on the Internet were not even half as cute at the one at Trev’s school. We did the next best thing, we ordered monkey costume sewing pattern from the Internet and told Trev that we are “on it”.

Fortunately for me, by the time the pattern arrived and I was ready to start sewing, Trev hit the penguin phase. Penguin costumes are much easier to sew and it was quite easy to find a good tutorial.

So here is the result. Trev seems pleased with it and so am I. Now, should I make a matching costume for Owen?

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