Little Updates

Trev’s “graduation”


A week and a half until Trev starts kindergarten. He is going on a bus safety training tomorrow. His school is 1.6 km away from our house. My elementary school was 500 m away and my middle school was 1.2 km. The middle school was in a completely different part of town and I would take the tram to get there sometimes. The two elementary schools available to us are both about that distance away from us and they are still “really close”. I’ve lived in the suburb for over a decade and this still blows my mind.

Anyhow, Trev is really excited and I hope we have made the right decision. From talking to other parents and teachers, the school he is going to is decent (better than the alternatives in the neighbourhood anyhow). A lot of his friends from the daycare, including one of his two best friends, will be going there and the school has just introduced grade 4 french immersion so we will not need to move him to another school if we decide to put him in that program.



Despite the penguin fever that swept his older brother, Owen is indifferent. I made a penguin suit for him, but so far he is not interested in wearing it.

I found that I really enjoyed sewing these. Now that the seeing machine is out I might try and get the other projects finished. My quilting project got put aside when I got pregnant because I was too tired to sew, but now I feel a very different kind of exhaustion which makes sewing actually relaxing.


This year Chris got a really good system for keeping the pool in good condition on regular basis. I think I used the pool a bit more than previously though that could be mostly due to the fact that we stayed in Ottawa throughout the summer. We did not have people over this year as much as previous years which makes me a bit sad, but the back yard needed some maintenance and I was in no state to spend energy on it. Hopefully next year. I would like to see the return of our yearly BBQ and some more playgroup dates.