Birthday knitting

Well, there you go. I am another year older.


I have been taking it easy since Markus’ birth and probably have another two to four weeks of restrictions on exercise until I am fully recovered.

In absence of anything else to do, I have been knitting some more. Remember that red hat I made for Trev? It turns out it fits nona better so she convinced Trev to let her have it and I made a new hat for him. He has been bugging me for a fish costume (apparently a four year old can’t just have one Halloween outfit).


Here is a bit better picture of it (the hat is quite warm which made it difficult to get Trev to pose with it in 20 something degrees weather):


Pedantic souls amongst you will notice that it is not actually a fish but a mammal. I don’t think Trev will mind. He still has not started minding that penguins don’t have fully orange beaks. Tough for him if he does mind. I am not fixing any of his costumes.

To make the hat I took a break from making socks. Socks are a bit of pain to make because I am using small needles and sock yarn so it takes a lot of knitting to get a little bit of fabric.


I have not yet decided if I am a sock knitter. I do like wearing knitted socks, but I am not sure if I like it enough to keep on with knitting them given how much effort it is. I’ll make a few pairs and decide from there.

While the socks were taking a break because of the porpoise hat construction, one of the needle tips snapped. KnitPicks has a pretty generous return policy so I will try and see if I can get them to replace it (even though it must have been over a year since I bought the circulars). In the mean time I will use the excuse of my birthday to get a set of Addi circs so I can continue with the socks. Since today is a holiday and stores are closed I have decided to try and knit the socks with double pointed needles and see if I still agree with my decision to switch to cirks. Conclusion – I can’t believe I ever managed to knit anything with double pointed needles to begin with!!!

And yes, the trees are the prettiest for my birthday!

One Reply to “Birthday knitting”

  1. Happy belated birthday, Boj!!!

    Personally I don’t know why the world hates double-pointed needles. I heart them. With that said, I am considering casting on two pairs on a single (looooong) circ for our upcoming trip, just because it seems inevitable that I’ll lose at least one dpn en route whereas with the circular… well there’s only one really long needle. How can I lose it? Guess I’ll be able to chime in on the two methods when I get back : )

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