We’re in! All of our many stuffs have been moved (Thanks to everyone who helped us move, you’re the best!), fast internet connection has been established, kitchen has been set up, new washer and dryer are cooling it in the basement, the house has been housewarmed (it was great seeing everyone, I hope all had a good time since I certainly did!).
We got to meet the neighbours and they are really nice. There is a lot of unpacking to be done, but that will be done in its own good time. I am still getting used to the new house, but so far I am quite happy with it.
I leave you with a picture of our first house guest.
I guess the little bunny decided that with the dog and the cat gone, he can have the pool all to himself.
I will try and post a few pictures from the housewarming once Chris decides whether to delete old pictures from flickr or pay for more storage space. I also hope John will post his pictures soon since he took quite a lot.